

Accessibility Statement

This Accessibility Statement applies to the website and all subdomains provided by our central content management system. msg strives to make its websites and mobile applications accessible in accordance with the provisions of the German Act on Equal Opportunities of Persons with Disabilities (BGG) and the German Accessible Information Technology Ordinance (BITV 2.0) implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102.

Status of Compatibility with the Requirements

The accessibility requirements result from §§ 3 paragraphs 1 to 4 and 4 of BITV 2.0, which was adopted on the basis of § 12d BGG. The verification of compliance with the requirements is based on a self-assessment. Based on the verification, this website is partially compliant with the aforementioned requirements. The incompatibilities and exceptions are listed below.

Non-Accessible Content

Given the numerous editors working on the website within msg and the group companies, the accessibility aspects cannot always be guaranteed. However, we are constantly striving to improve accessibility and to train and sensitize the editors.

The content listed below is not or only partially accessible:

  • Documents are not always available in an accessible format.
  • Videos sometimes do not contain subtitles.
  • No alternative is available for audio files in text form.
  • Text sections in other languages are not always marked.
  • Not all links are worded to be understandable outside of their context.
  • Adjusting text spacing, i.e., line height, spacing after paragraphs, letter spacing, and word spacing, may result in a loss of content or functionality.
  • There are occasional syntax errors in the source code.

Creation of this Accessibility Statement

The Statement was created on January 1, 2023 and last reviewed on July 11, 2023. Method: Self-assessment.

Feedback and Contact Details

The content of our website should be equally accessible to people with disabilities. If you encounter barriers on our websites and mobile applications, we ask for your assistance: Send us a corresponding message with a description of the barrier by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Other contact details:

msg systems ag
Marketing & Communications
Department Website/Digital
Robert-Bürkle-Straße 1
85737 Ismaning
Telephone: +49 89 96101-0


msg industry advisors ag
Robert-​Buerkle-Strasse 1
85737 Ismaning

+49 89 96 10 11 300
+49 89 96 10 11 040


About msg group

msg industry advisors are part of msg, an independent, internationally active group of autonomous companies with more than 10.000 employees.


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